Visual Studio Code Metrics for VS2010

The output calculated code metrics can be exported to a file in XML format. It’s great tool which provides several additional metrics like number of methods, number of fields, number of variables in class and etc. I refactored my code into a small number of portions as shown. IT Consulting Hourly Rates in 2022 By Country, Industry and Specialization Now cyclomatic complexity is only 2 for same 5 lines of code. It’ll give you an insight of your code maintainability and complexity. It means identify “the design flaws or bad practices, which might require attention, either immediately or at a later point of time”.

While discussion with many developers recently, I found there are lot of developers still didn’t know about this tool or such metrics or why should you use ? Or not clear about it – Well, By taking advantage of these metrics, as a developer, you can understand which classes, which methods, which module should be reworked or refactor. You can identify complexity, potential risks, implementation flaw with in your project. A developer can filter the Code metrics data based on the type of code metrics and by providing min and max value of indexes of the selected metrics. The filter feature helps a developer easily find the code block or function they need to work on.

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I’ve written about using NDepend for Static Analysis before if you want to learn more. As you can see, the maintainability index for the entire project is a 7, indicating this project will be very difficult to maintain. It has high numbers for both cyclomatic complexity and class coupling. The DoEvenMoreWork method looks to be the worst off, with a maintainability index of 0. It’s obvious this code has a lot of problems, and will require some serious reworking in order to make long-term maintainability feasible.

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visual studio code metrics

He only highlights some examples to show his understanding of the tool. WakaTime gives us insight into our development process and increases our impact as a team. We’ve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data.

Your Answer

Code metrics are simply sensors that indicate when something is out of an expected range. Taken in isolation, they really aren’t that interesting as you point out, you can already guess at what it’s going to tell you. They become more interesting when you start to compare trends. @JonathanvandeVeen, I don’t think that’s really relevant to the question asked.

Software Engineering Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle. Each of these are shown at the assembly level then it allows you to drill down to the namespace, class and method level. Another method is to right-click on the solution or project node in Visual Studio 2010 Solution Explorer. Class coupling is a measure of how many dependencies classes in a single class uses.

Being able to produce and show these metrics allows you to better manage existing code and produce more manageable new code, which in turn pushes you and your team to code to better standards. With WakaTime I know exactly where my time went down to the file. It’s another great tool for inspecting code quality and can be used for performing Code Reviews as well. If You want to know the causes You can click on the code lens to list all the entries for a given method or class. Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.

  • If I were to look at code metrics after there is already a problem then I don’t understand why I need to look, just fix whatever the problem is.
  • Please also note that it is possible to balance the complexity calculation for the project / team / personal taste by adjusting the relevant configuration entries .
  • The only time I actually come into the code metrics for a reason is when I’m curious about how many lines of code the project is, and that’s just because of curiosity and not a need to do so.
  • @JonathanvandeVeen, I don’t think that’s really relevant to the question asked.

Just imagine, if you add some more logic, complexity will be increased. If you want to keep track of Code metrics items which needs to fix and want to assign them to respective team members, you can do it very easily. Well, the “Create Work Item” option directly create the work item in TFS.

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As a developer when you are writing your code, you must adhere those boundary values of metrics to ensure your code is well written, understandable and maintainable. In short, Code Metrics is an important measure that let us understand the complexity and maintainability of the code. This is the 7th post in this series ASP NET MVC Developer Job Description Template on understanding code complexity and maintainability. Over the last few posts we have covered all the different types of a code metrics and internal of each of the items. In this post, lets have a look at the different tooling aspect of Code Metrics Tools that can help us better in using the code metrics data.

visual studio code metrics

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. You can run / rerun the metrics from the tool itself by clicking on the “Calculate Code Metrics for Solution” button itself. Incase if you want to focus any specific types of Metrics values, you can choose and select those columns and deselect the rest. It would be useful to know what kind of architecture is being used and what type of application you are working on.

Code metrics can also be a useful tool for analyzing code you may not have written, but have to maintain. Using code metrics, you can isolate the potential trouble spots in the code early, giving you plenty of time The Ultimate List of Interview Questions to Ask Remote Workers to refactor the problem sections. Class coupling is a measure on how one class is connected or dependent with another class. Good practice is to always implement fewer dependent classes or a low class coupling.


The Code Metrics features is very powerful to ensure your code is written properly and well maintained. Take the advantages of all additional features of code metrics tool. CodeGuru covers topics related to Microsoft-related software development, mobile development, database management, and web application programming. Cloud services such as Microsoft Azure and database options including SQL Server and MSSQL are also frequently covered.

Visual Studio Code Metrics for VS2010

For example, a green rating, between 20 and 100, indicates that the code has highly maintainability. A yellow rating, between 10 and 19, indicates that the code is moderately maintainable. A red rating, between 0 and 9, indicates low maintainability. Please also note that it is possible to balance the complexity calculation for the project / team / personal taste by adjusting the relevant configuration entries . In your question I read that you have expected certain values at certain points. To me this is an indication of a certain pattern used in the design that leads to complexity being concentrated in certain parts of your code.

The time it takes to calculate the metrics will depend on the size of your project. Once it’s done, it will open the Code Metrics Results window, shown in Figure 1. In this article, we’ll talk about code metrics in Visual Studio Team System . We’ll start out by identifying the different code metrics available, and talk about good and bad values for each. Then we’ll dive into an example of how to run code metrics in Team System. I will explain explain each one of them in details in individual posts so that you have better understanding of each of them.

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