26/15 Inspired by true events, Los Frikisc follows the raw and unforgettable story of a group of punk rockers in 1990s Cuba (known as "Frikis") who inject themselves with HIV to seek refuge in government-run sanatoriums. There, in a world destined for isolation, they create their...

22/24 Bailey looks for attention and adventure elsewhere Bailey lives with her brother Hunter and her father Bug, who raises them alone in a squat in northern Kent. Bug doesn't have much time to devote to them. Edited into Fontaines DC: Bug (2024) Barry Keoghan dropped...

24/25 Two Harkonnen sisters combat forces that threaten the future of humankind and establish the fabled sect that will become known as the Bene Gesserit Whether they are exploring the stars, escaping dystopias, or making the world a better place, these women are what science fiction...