23/16 Steve McQueen's "Blitz" follows the epic journey of George (Elliott Heffernan), a 9-year-old boy in World War II London, who is sent to safety in the English countryside by his mother, Rita (Saoirse Ronan). Reluctant and determined to return home to his mother and grandfather...

50/37 After Mina (Yaz Canli), a gifted artist experiencing homelessness, loses the last thing she loves, her adorable dog "Burrito," she is forced to fight through a downward spiral of mental health crisis to find a home. Lost between the fragments of her Muslim past and...

33/31 A trio of misfits join forces to search for a fabled treasure, only to uncover a terrible curse. The trio must find and destroy the gold before a rival group of teenagers reaches it first and unleashes an evil spirit on Halloween night. ...