I’ven’t Heard from Him. Would It Be Worth Calling Him?

Reader matter:

I was getting how to spot a cougargether with this guy on and off for a few months. He’s got been getting more initiative receive with each other. Finally weekend we went to supper, which we never ever declared a «date,» but we wound up spending the remainder night with each other.

By the end in the night, he began cuddling with myself (holding fingers, working fingers through hair, legs intertwined). At the end of the evening as he stepped me to my car, I kissed him. We haven’t heard from him since.

Would it be really worth contacting him?

-Irene (Montana)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Solution:


NO!!!! Try to let him chase you a bit. I’m wondering who was more actually hostile on that big date.

You didn’t state «the guy kissed me personally» or «We kissed.» You stated you kissed him.

Could having scared him down?

I think you should put reasonable for a time nevertheless. Contain your self and hold off observe his then move.

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